We worship God
Sunday at 9am
Traditional Lutheran worship is Liturgical. Liturgy actually means “the work of the people.” That work is to praise God. We gather to worship on Sundays at 9am and online in realtime (or at any convenient time) to do just that… Praise God! In worship we join our voices to other voices the world over to sing, confess, and recite creeds to bring glory and honor to God, and to Jesus Christ who reconciled us to God by his death on the cross. We celebrate this every time we gather with the bread and wine of communion. And we praise the Holy Spirit who lives in our hearts and moves us ever closer to God. This is who and how we worship.
What to Expect in Worship
There are hymns of praise and we sing parts of the worship responsively with a cantor or song leader. We corporately confess our sin and recite psalms and creeds (statements of belief) aloud. This is written in the worship guide which is available at the entrance of the worship center or on the screens mounted on either side of the altar. Communion is by intinction or dipping the wafer into wine. The pastor gives the bread (wafer) and the people dip it in the cup (wine/grape juice) that follows. Communion is shared every time we gather. And then there’s coffee! After worship in the Fireside Room.